Monday 7 December 2020

Calculating the height of the basketball goal

 Bilingual students of 1º BACHA went to the basketball court abd measured the height of the goal using different  methods:

  • Shadows and similarity
  • Mirrors and similarity
  • Theodolite and trigonometry
They also need a tape measure and a piece of chalk

They worked in 2 groups and the results were :
  1. Group one: mean of the results 3,94 m
  2. Group two: mean of the results 4,04 m
Surfing the Internet we found that the height of the top of the goal (it was the height we measured) is 3,95 m. So,our results are very accurate. Students realized that in their experiment the most accurate form was tu use shadows (mybe because our theodolites weren't very good)

Teodoro's spiral

 We go on worrking with the irrational numbers, Teodoro's spiral is made placing a right angled triangle whose legs are 1 and 1 next to another one whose legs are 1 and the hypotenuse of the first one.

It is one of the first works of 4º ESO students with Geogebra. you can see the images below

Weighting PI

 Students of 4ºB are studying  irrational numbers,one of the most famous is PI.

We weight PI using lentils, water and a 3D-printed cylinder and prism. Pi is four times the ratio between the quotient of their volumes (Volume cylinder/volume prism)

The average result of the classroom has been 3,116. A very accurate result!!!

Friday 4 December 2020

Fractals, Mathematics and Arts

 Students from 1º bachA have been working with fractals and the relationship with mathematical concepts such as sequences and limits. They constructed two fractals using Geogebra and later they recorded a video explaining Sierpinski Gasket and shared them with our French partners in eTwinning.

This is Rubén's video

This is Cristina's video
Elena's video