Tuesday 18 May 2021

eTwinning project "learning math as a universal language"

 Students from 4º ESO  and 1º Bachiller have been working in this project. They have contributed in several ways:

  •  The older ones have been working with fractals and record videos about the Sierpinski Gasket and how todraw Koch snowflake using Geogebra (you can watch the videos in another post of this blog)

  • The younger ones have writen algorithms about their ages, have simulated the Monty Hall Problem, have coded and decoded messages and have drawn pictures following French students' instructions

You can see below some example of their work

But, the easiest way of reading all the hard work thwy have done is to visit twinspace in the following link

Solving mathematical problems in real life

 Students have solved lots of problems written by their teachers in our etwinning project.

Click in this link if you want to read their solutions 


Students from 4º ESO write their problems about mathematics in real life

 These are Goizane's and Irene's contributions to the etwinning project "Modeling life"

If you'd like to read all the problems, in this link  you can see a prezi presentation