Thursday 26 January 2023



We are going to interview our new teacher Isabel Adesko. We will ask her an interesting question in Geography class. Write your name and ask a question without repeating it. Thanks!

Question (Adrián). How is the United States?

Isabel: The United States is a very big and diverse country so that is a hard question to answer. But I can tell you that New York City is very big and busy. There are always so many people around and so much to do. It is very loud but also exciting.

Question (Hugo). Do you have any brothers or sisters? Where is your best friend?

Isabel: I'm from New York, but my family is from California. I don't have brothers or sisters. My best friend is from China.

Question (Andrés). Do you have any hobbies?

Isabel: I have lots of hobbies, but right now I spend my time knitting. I really love making clothes and altering the clothes I already have to make them more interesting.

Question (Raúl). What is your favorite food?

Isabel: I love pretty much all foods so it’s hard to choose a favorite but I would have to say pasta. In the winter though, I love to eat soup. I eat soup at least three times a week.

Question (Natalia). What prompted you to come to Spain to work in a high school?

Isabel: I have always wanted to live abroad and through watching movies I fell in love with Spain before I even came. I also want to go to school for teaching when I go back to the United States so I thought this would be a nice way to start off.

Question (Inés). What was your favorite subject at School?

Isabel: My favorite subject in school was always History (and Art). I ended up studying History in University but I still do a lot of art in my own time.

Question (Sergio). Do you like the history of World War II?

Isabel: I am interested in the history of WWII, but I am more interested in the first World War because it was so unprecedented, it started over a minor incident, and it was the first war in which many modern weapons and other technologies were used.

Question (Rafa). What is your favorite place or city in Spain? Why?

Isabel: I haven’t gotten the chance to explore much of Spain yet, but I went to Granada for Christmas and it was really beautiful. However, Albacete has my heart, I really love living here and every time I leave I’m excited to come back.

Question (Alberto). What has been your best experience in Spain?

Isabel: So far my best experience in Spain has been getting to meet people here. Everyone is very friendly and open which I really appreciate.

Question (Jesús). What is the most beautiful place you have visited?

Isabel: Since I have been in Spain, the most beautiful place I have visited is Granada, but that is also one of the only places I’ve been. Ask me again in 5 months.

Question (Cecilia). Do you want to travel around the world? Which countries? Why?

Isabel: I would love to travel around the world. One of my best friends is from China so I would love to go visit her there and travel around Asia with her.

Question (Carolina). With whom did you spend your Christmas Holidays?

Isabel: I spent the holidays by myself in Granada.

3rd ESO Class. January, 2023.