Sunday 3 March 2024

 Below is an interview by the students of 1st ESO with Alyssa , our language assistant for this year 2023/24. I hope you are interested and arouse your curiosity:




1º ESO (Geography and History)


1) (Miguel and Arantxa) What do you like to do in your free time?

I usually watch movies or series, especially when a new one is out! It’s also therapeutic for me to do mindful walking outside if it’s not too cold.


2) (Lucía Requena) What are your favorite movies?

I really like the film adaptations of Little Women and The Little Prince.


3) (Álvaro) What are the main cultural differences between your country and Spain?

Extracurricular activities are as important as academics here in Spain, especially for kids. I think it helps a lot mainly in figuring out what you enjoy outside school and enhancing these skills while you’re still young. Respecting your elders is highly observed in our culture. We normally use terms before names as a sign of respect instead of just first-name basis.


4) (Yassin) What’s your favorite football team?

A lot may hate me for saying this but I’m not a fan of football and I haven’t watched a match in my entire life but this should be a good opportunity to open myself to the sport.


5) (Gemma) What´s your favorite brand of clothes?

I’m very interested in clothes because I enjoy dressing up. I think Mango, which is from Spain, has classic pieces with good quality at a reasonable price. I also recommend doing some shopping at second-hand shops or vintage stores because they have a lot of good stuff! We need to start taking care of the environment.


6) (Leyla) What do you like most about being a teacher here?

I’m very blessed to have students, teachers, and colleagues that I work with who are very kind and respectful to me. It makes my job easier because I have a good working environment. I also enjoy conversing with the students even outside of class.


7) (Paula) Where would you like to go on holiday?

I have a long list of places I want to visit here in Spain! I think Andalucía is a beautiful region. Asturias and San Sebastián are also on my list.


8) (David) What's your favorite song?

This is always the most difficult question to answer because I listen to a lot of genres and artists. But I think I would say The Beatles. Everyone in my family listens to them, and their songs are classics! It always reminds me of Sundays at home when I listen to them.


9) (Daniela) How many brothers and sisters do you have?

I have two older brothers and one older sister. I’m very close to all of them.


10) (Lucía Villote) When is your birthday?

              I was born on the 31st of October. It’s Halloween!


11) (Joel) Are you married?

No, maybe after 10 years haha.


12) (Johana and Ana) Do you have any pets?

We had two family dogs named Oprah and Happy. Oprah recently passed away, and she was with us for 12 years.


13) What do you like the most about your city?

My city in the Philippines is actually called the “City of Golden Friendship.” I think from that you’ll probably know! The people there are very nice and warm. There are also cool cafes where you can hang out with your friends and try out some delicious food.


14) What is your favorite food?

I’m fond of soups and there’s a famous dish in the Philippines called Sinigang! I also like Spanish food like Arroz Negro and Jamón Ibérico.



15) What is your favorite outfit?

My friends tease me a lot but I do own a lot of black clothes! I love a good all-black outfit. You just can never go wrong with it.


16) What style of clothes do you normally wear?

I enjoy making a lot of mood boards so I can have an idea of what pieces are nice to combine with. I think I like casual sporty and streetwear styles. The most important thing is to feel comfortable with what you wear.


17) (Cristina and Lucas) Why did you come to Spain?

I have always wanted to live abroad and be independent. Since the Philippines and Spain share a lot of cultural similarities, I thought it was a good opportunity to explore the country and experience things I had only read about in textbooks at school.


18) What do you like about Spain?

I like almost everything in here! The food, the culture, and the festivals that you celebrate. I also appreciate how everyone is family oriented which is very important to me.