Friday 13 December 2019


(Here our student Cristian is presented his Kahoot in classroom to their classmates)

The Student produced Kahoot and Learning How to Ask Good Questions 

With Kahoot, our students learn how to ask good questions and they are more inclined to make new connections and meaningful discoveries. To help my students learn how to ask good questions, I recently provided them with an opportunity to produce games in classroom of Social Sciences. There’s a lot to like about Kahoot: it’s free, capable of working on tablets, smartphones, and computers, and (as your students will surely agree), it’s a super engaging, user-friendly way to check for understanding.

Teacher Rafa. (Friday, 13th December 2019).

Thursday 12 December 2019

First Erasmus+ mobility ( Brasov)

Last week, between December the 2nd and December the 6th, 5 students and 2 teachers went to Brasov (Romania) as a part of our Erasmus+ project "Maths is around us".

There, students worked with statistics and made several graphs and a report about the survey. They also made some inphografics using Canvas and participated in a treasure hunt in the main touristic places of Brasov.

Students were hosted by Romanian students and they became friend quickly. It was a great experience!!!!
If you are interested in reading what we did , all the information is in our blog

Above you can see some pictures of our participation.

Wednesday 11 December 2019

Hello! We are the class of technology 3ºESO and we have made some powerpoints about identification plastics. We hope that you like it! Thanks for your attention. 

Wednesday 4 December 2019

Halloween in technology

Hi!, we are the class of third bilingual technology. We have made these PowerPoint files, to show our work in technology related to Halloween. We wish you enjoy them!

Goizane y Nerea

Irene y Leticia

Juan Alexander y Jose Antonio

Jorge y Daniel

Héctor y Eduardo 


Saturday 30 November 2019

Working with statistics

Students who belong to Erasmus+ "Maths is around us" team have been working with a survey.
The survey is about students' feelings and opinions about math classes.
This entry shows what they have done before the mobility to Brasov

  • They translated they survey into Spanish so that their  classmates can answer easily the questions.
  • Since teachers have decided that the sample is 20% of students, we decided to do a stratified random sample (for class groups)
  • We made a random selection (students learnt how to use the # key in their scientific calculators). For this selection they used the following data:
    4º A
    1ºBACH A
    1º BACH B
    2º BACH A
    2ºBACH B

  • Once we have the sample,students answer the survey (we thanks to all maths teachers at our school)
  • Finally we upload to a shared spreadsheet in our twinspace our results so that we can make a report and an inphografic in Brasov
These are the questions in English:
Students of IES Izpisúa Belmonte (Hellín) are working in the survey

Friday 29 November 2019


Edmodo is an educational network that aims at providing teachers, students and parents new tools to help them to connect and communicate. Via the Edmodo app or website, teachers can share content, texts, videos, homework and assignments with their students online. Online tools to help teachers administrate their classes have recently grown in popularity the educational field. Do it in classroom, it is useful and free!

(Friday, 29th November 2019)

Thursday 28 November 2019

How many drops of water can fit in your bathtub?

Yesterday we calculated the number of drops of water in a bathtub.

First of all we decided that the mathematical modelfor a bathtub is a parallelepiped.

Students measured their bathtubs at home and the dimensions were 70x170x38 cm.

Then the volume is 452200 cubic centimetres

Finally, we decided to use a dropper and count how many drops were there in 1 cubic centimetre.

We went to Chemistry laboratory and count.

Our results were: 35, 25, 21, 20, 22, 23, 35, 30, 25, 36.

Calculating the mean, it was about 27.

So the number of drops was 12209400!!!!

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Thanksgiving Day

Tomorrow is the fourth thursday of november, so it's celebrating Thanksgiving Day, a national holiday which is commemorating in different countries, such as America and Brasil
This is an important holiday which has started like a harvest blessing celebration, but nowadays it seems like they have forgotten this reason, because what they actually celebrate is a Christmas preview.
It's celebrate in different ways: what families normally do is getting together to have a traditional dinner where turkey is the main dish. Moreover, Macy's, a very big shops chain make a vey famous parade in Broadway's avenue. And the very important thing is that it's an important day because next day starts Christmas purchase season!!!

Who is Juan Carlos Izpisua?

Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk to you about who Juan Carlos Izpisua is. Well Juan Carlos Izpisua, is a pharmacist  spanish, specialized in the field of biology. As well. He is a research professor. Juan Carlos Izpisua has had many awards. granted by the National Institutes of Health of the United States. He names the Institute of Secondary Education (IES) Izpisúa Belmonte, in his hometown (Hellín, Albacete, Spain). In 2014

Wednesday 20 November 2019

Calculating Pi

The bilingual group of 4 ESO has calculated PI throwing rice to a circle inscribed in one square, below you can see photos and videos. By the way the mean of our results was 3,21 that is a not bad aproximation of pi (think that we are throwing grains of rice)

Friday 8 November 2019


Kahoot is a free game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes. Unleash the fun in classrooms, offices and living rooms. Teachers and students can learn playing in classroom with yours computers, laptops, tablets or mobile phones in a funny way. Do it and enjoy together!

Margarita Salas, Spain's leading female scientist, dies aged 80

click on the link Margarita Salas

Tuesday 29 October 2019

Hello everybody,
with this link to some Halloween stuff,..
 I wish you all have a VERY HAPPY, AND SCARY HALLOWEEN!!!!

Friday 25 October 2019

San Rafael's medieval market.

The 24th October is a very important date for Hellin because it's Hellin's patron saint and we celebrate it by doing a medieval street market.
This street market starts on the 24th, San Rafael's day, and it finishes on the 27th, it's located in Plaza la Iglesia, Hellin. In there, you can find many different stalls where you can buy things such as necklaces, candles, sweets or bread. Last year there were birds of pray as eagles, hawks and owls. There are also food stands where you can get crepes, Arabic tea and pastries, jacked potatoes and pizza.

A chemistry joke

How do Europe celebrate Halloween

Do you want to know about how other countries in Europe celebrate 1st November? If so,this is the video for you!

Created by: Concha Pérez y Pascual García

Friday 18 October 2019


The English and Technology Departments show an incredible video with ideas you can copy to celebrate Halloween to the highest level

Created by: Concha Pérez and Pascual García

This week  1ºBach bilingual students have been working strength with games such as:

 1. Riders and horses: Players form pairs. One of them is horse and the other one is rider. Horses form a circle, and each rider is placed behind his horse. At a sign, riders ride on their horse and have to do five squats. When they finished, teaches gives another sign and riders have to get off the horse and run a whole turn around the circle and reach their horse. The last one will lose.

2. Deadline: Players form pairs. Each partner puts in front of the other one. They are separated by a line. When teacher says a signal, they take partner's hand and they have to get the opponent crosses the line. If his opponent crosses the line, he will lose.

TEACHERS! Gamify your classroom with these 5 amazing tools.

Here are five incredible live tools that keep your students motivated.  Gamify your classroom with these popular game apps. Educational game tools mentioned in this video are:

- Quizlet.
- Kahoot.
- Classcraft.
- Plickers.

- Padlet.

Play, learn and enjoy!

Friday 11 October 2019


Gamification” /ˌɡeɪmɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n/ is an educational approach to motivate our students to learn by using video games design and game elements in bilingual learning environments. The goal is to maximize enjoyment and engagement through capturing the interest of learners and inspiring them to continue learning. Gamification, broadly defined, is the process of defining the elements which comprise games that make those games fun and motivate players to continue playing, and using those same elements in a non-game context to influence behaviour. In educational contexts, examples of desired student behaviour which gamification can potentially influence include attending class, focusing on meaningful learning tasks, and taking initiative.

Tuesday 1 October 2019

Erasmus+ Maths is around us

I'm very happy to announce that this year we are running another Erasmus+ project in our school.
This one is for students between 15 and 17 years old (mainly students of first course of "bachiller"), and it is a school exchange partnership.  There are three involved countries: Greece, Romania and Spain.
Ten students will go abroad (5 will go to Romania in December and 5 to Greece in February) and we will host 10 students too (5 from each country).
We will do activities about maths through etwinning and during the exchanges.
As soon as we create our website I'll post here the link so that you can see what we are doing.
Pay attention to the hall at school because in a couple of weeks Erasmus+ corner will be open and we also will show an inphografic about Erasmus+ programme at Izpisua Belmonte

Etwinning "Learning math through pi as an universal language "

This year 4B bilingual students are taking part of an etwinning project. Our partners come from France and Germany.
There will be different activities, right now they are writing short algorithms in order to know their birthday date.
Most of the algorithms are awesome.
You will see them soon and the solutions too

Friday 27 September 2019

Greta Thunberg "on the rocks".

Who is Greta Thunberg? Greta "on the rocks".

 Greta is a Swedish environmental activist focused on the risks posed by global warming. In August 2018, when she was 15, Thunberg took time off school to demonstrate outside the Swedish parliament, holding up a sign calling for stronger climate action. 🔃



This is the IES Izpisúa Belmonte bilingual blog , here we will post every interesting activity we'll do. See you soon