Tuesday 1 October 2019

Erasmus+ Maths is around us

I'm very happy to announce that this year we are running another Erasmus+ project in our school.
This one is for students between 15 and 17 years old (mainly students of first course of "bachiller"), and it is a school exchange partnership.  There are three involved countries: Greece, Romania and Spain.
Ten students will go abroad (5 will go to Romania in December and 5 to Greece in February) and we will host 10 students too (5 from each country).
We will do activities about maths through etwinning and during the exchanges.
As soon as we create our website I'll post here the link so that you can see what we are doing.
Pay attention to the hall at school because in a couple of weeks Erasmus+ corner will be open and we also will show an inphografic about Erasmus+ programme at Izpisua Belmonte

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