Tuesday 29 March 2022

A visit from France

 As a result of our eTwinning projects "Learning maths as a universal language" and "experimenting on maths together" , a French high school Institut Lemonier has been visiting us from 03/22 to 03/26.

During those days 20 students from our 4º ESO and 12 students from France have develop a lot of activities together such as a t-shirts workshop using nasrid tiles for the design, a guided visit to our city, a day trip to Granada to see the nasrid tessellations in their real enviroment, a workshop about arches , a mathematical walk using mathcitymaps.a tresure huntingin Hellín and a visit to Toledo to see arches in real contexts.

Students from both countries have had the opportunity of speak in English in a real situation, to start a friendly relationship, to open their minds about Europe and international collaboration. it has been a great experience!

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