Monday 31 October 2022

Throwing drawing pins (unpredictable probabilities)

 Students from 4º ESO A-B performed an experiment about probability when the odds of the elementary events are unpredictable such as when a drawing pin is thrown

This was the activity they did

Throw the drawing pins on the table, and count how many drawing pins are up and how many are down .

Complete the following table:





Relative frequency








  1. Assign probabilities to the up and the down drawing pin.

We think that the probability of having the drawing pin up should be ____ and down should be ______. For these numbers we have used ___________________


  1. Can you use Laplace’s rule? Why?

We can/can’t use Laplace rule because we think that to have the drawing pin up or down is/ isn’t equally likel

And you can see below their results

The conclussion is that the probability of having an up drawing pin is 2/3 and down drawing pin is 1/3

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