Tuesday 14 December 2021

Fist Aid care

Practicing first aid situations When a person is injured or becomes suddenly ill, your quick action can prevent the injury or illness from worsening, and it may even save the person’s life. Although every emergency situation is unique, understanding basic principles of giving first aid care will always serve you well. That is why this week in PE we have been working on First aid situations.

Thursday 11 November 2021

Calculating PI

 Students from 4th course have performed an experiment to calculate Pi using probability, this experiment is a part of our eTwinning project "Experimenting on maths together". They have thrown grains of rice into a circle inscribed in a square and have calculated the quotient between the grains inside the circle and the total number of grains, four timesthis quotient is a good estimation for pi.

The general result was Pi=3,24 and one of the teams obtained pi=3,184. In our opinion is it really a good estimation for pi, considering the material we used and that we are applying probability

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Interview with Anthony

Marta G. - Were are you from?

Anthony - I am from Stamford, Lincolnshire in England.

Eva - How old are you?

Anthony - I have recently turned 21 years old.

Lucía - Why are you here in Spain?

Anthony - I am here in Spain in order to gain work experience, better my Spanish speaking and knowledge of Spanish traditions and cultures.

Paula - Have you got any siblings?

Anthony - I have 3 younger sisters. Isabel (15) Catalina (10) and Florence (3).

Paula - Do you like Spain?

Anthony - I am enjoying Spain lots! I need to visit more tourist attractions and big cities to see even more of what Spain has to offer.

Marta B - What is your favourite sport?

Anthony - My favourite sport is basketball because it is so fun to both play and watch.

Carla - Do you like travelling?

Anthony - Travelling is my passion. During my life I aim to travel all over the world, in order to, experience for myself everything the world has to offer.

Carla - Do you have a cat?

Anthony - Unfortunately I do not have a cat but I would like one in the future as they’re so cute and cuddly.

Natasha - Do you have siblings and if yes how many?

Anthony - I have 3 younger sisters. Isabel (15) Catalina (10) and Florence (3).

Natasha - Do you play in a sports team and what is it called?

Anthony - At the moment I do not play in any sports teams in Spain but I hope to join one in the near future.

Sara E. - How many languages do you know?

Anthony - At the moment the only languages I know are English and Spanish as I find learning new languages hard because it is difficult, requires discipline and a lot of time.

Jesús R.-Do you like the food of Spain?

Anthony - I absolutely love Spanish food. My favourites so far have been queso frito and paella.

Merly - What place would you like to travel to?

Anthony - I would like to travel to India as it looks extremely beautiful and I have never been to Asia.

Marta G. - What is your favourite food in Albacete?

Anthony - My favourite so far have been quiso frito because at first it seemed like a strange combination, however, I was pleasantly surprised.

Marta G. - Do you like Spain?

Anthony - Yes! I love Spain. My favourite thing compared to England is the eating schedule. To me, the Spanish schedule is much better.

Marta G.-Are you a student?

Anthony - I am a student studying International Relations and Spanish at Nottingham Trent University.

Marta G. - Do you like your job?

Anthony - I am thoroughly enjoying my work at Izpizua Belmonte. Everyone is so lovely so I feel at home here.

IES Izpisúa Belmonte, Hellín. November, 2021.

Friday 5 November 2021

Hello everyone! After the celebrations of San Rafael, Mercado Medieval, and Día de Todos los Santos, we are excited to get back to the streets of Hellín for our Healthy Walks!! For this occasion, our partners at Concejalía de Turismo are going to surprise us with an awesome route that is healthy as well! On Monday the 8th of November, we will meet at 10:00 in the park of Centro de Salud n°2 (Calle Turbas de Cuenca - Hellín) We recommend you to wear proper shoes for walking and comfortable clothing, hats, bring water, and be excited to get to know us and our city’s neighborhoods. We will be going with our 1st ESO bilingual students group. See you there!

Wednesday 3 November 2021

P.E. Bilingual Section

The presence of an English conversation auxiliar is beneficial beyond linguistics courses, such as those in Physical Education. Anthony, our language assistant collaborates with our teachers to create a curriculum in English, working before and during classes. He is also active in physical education and sports classes. Thank you Anthony and keep moving!!

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Etwinning project "Transformed classrooms"

 2º ESO students are taking part of the eTwinning project "Transformed classrooms". This project is about technologies and how an appropriate use of them can change education in a positive way.

Last Friday they were making their avatars and introducing themselves on twinspace.

You can see above some examples

Etwinning project MIE "Maths is everywhere"

 4º ESO students are taking part of the eTwinning project MIE "Maths is everywhere", this project is about finding mathematics in each human activity. There 14 countries in this project, we hope that students will be able to communicate with them in the forum section and to work together.

Last week they participated in Code Week, you can see below some photos of their work.

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Thoughts on BBC interview

Thoughts on BBC interview
I would like to share some thoughts with you about a recent interview of an afghan student who had lost her hope to study for becoming a journalist, because Taliban have closed Secondaries Schools in her country. I was listening it in my way to school and I almost cried. Listen it from min. 6:40 to 10:12. https://podcasts.apple.com/es/podcast/hotel-rwanda-hero-convicted-on-terror-charges/id135067274?i=1000536078426 “Every religion says men and women are equal,” says the Afghan girl in a BBC interview. However, at the hands of the Taliban, that has not been the reality for Afghan women not only in education but in every other aspect imaginable. As a woman and teacher, this resonates deeply, yet I feel helpless since I will never be able to fully understand the struggle that these women go through daily. The least I can do for these women is to educate myself and others about what is happening in Afghanistan and challenge the ignorance and bias the media conveys about their culture and religion. I want people to learn and understand that the way these women are treated, is not due to their religion of Islam. It is due to these extremists who only see the sides of the Quran that appeal to men. Since we live in developed and privileged countries, it is critical that we recognize how good we have it in life, and that every day we are grateful that we have a comparably fair advantage in education and careers.

Tuesday 18 May 2021

eTwinning project "learning math as a universal language"

 Students from 4º ESO  and 1º Bachiller have been working in this project. They have contributed in several ways:

  •  The older ones have been working with fractals and record videos about the Sierpinski Gasket and how todraw Koch snowflake using Geogebra (you can watch the videos in another post of this blog)

  • The younger ones have writen algorithms about their ages, have simulated the Monty Hall Problem, have coded and decoded messages and have drawn pictures following French students' instructions

You can see below some example of their work

But, the easiest way of reading all the hard work thwy have done is to visit twinspace in the following link

Solving mathematical problems in real life

 Students have solved lots of problems written by their teachers in our etwinning project.

Click in this link if you want to read their solutions 


Students from 4º ESO write their problems about mathematics in real life

 These are Goizane's and Irene's contributions to the etwinning project "Modeling life"

If you'd like to read all the problems, in this link  you can see a prezi presentation

Friday 26 February 2021

The silent pandemic

There is a organization who I collaborate with: GASOL FUNDATION They are going to create an event related with the fight against obesity which is a severe pandemic in childhood nowadays, and I want you to participate: https://gasolfoundation.us7.list-manage.com/track/click?u=5f0718ff8f5785e871c912bec&id=febc911ba3&e=7694b66e1b Get ready and participate!