Friday 16 December 2022

A visit from France

 This year we received again a visit from France, 29 students and 4 teachers from the Institut Lemonier came to our school.

They were very busy days. 

The first day (November 23) we stayed at our high school, first we were  playing mathematical puzzles like Soma cube or tangram, later we made a workshop of t-shirts using nasrid designs. During the afternoon students went to a treasure hunt to know our city in a playful way.

The second day (November 24) we went to La Alhambra to see the Nasrid tesellations and the palace.

The third day (November 25) we stayed at the high school, designed posters of our trip and an interesting origami workshop . Finally we went to a mathmatical walk (even we had a guided visit to the bullring)

Halloween 22

 This year we enjoyed Halloween at our high school.

All the teachers and students of the bilingual section prepared a graveyard of famous people.

Technologies students made the gravestones with the help of their teachers, the rest of students prepared Canva posters with the biography of the well known people.

You can see below photos 

You also can read some example of students' posters

All students' works were shown at the high school hall

Monday 31 October 2022

Throwing drawing pins (unpredictable probabilities)

 Students from 4º ESO A-B performed an experiment about probability when the odds of the elementary events are unpredictable such as when a drawing pin is thrown

This was the activity they did

Throw the drawing pins on the table, and count how many drawing pins are up and how many are down .

Complete the following table:





Relative frequency








  1. Assign probabilities to the up and the down drawing pin.

We think that the probability of having the drawing pin up should be ____ and down should be ______. For these numbers we have used ___________________


  1. Can you use Laplace’s rule? Why?

We can/can’t use Laplace rule because we think that to have the drawing pin up or down is/ isn’t equally likel

And you can see below their results

The conclussion is that the probability of having an up drawing pin is 2/3 and down drawing pin is 1/3

Monday 16 May 2022 
Lastly in PE we have been creating our own hiking routes, this is an example of what we have visited in our school trip to Cantabria. We have learnt a lot about how observe the nature, and we have discovered incredible places.

Tuesday 29 March 2022

A visit from France

 As a result of our eTwinning projects "Learning maths as a universal language" and "experimenting on maths together" , a French high school Institut Lemonier has been visiting us from 03/22 to 03/26.

During those days 20 students from our 4º ESO and 12 students from France have develop a lot of activities together such as a t-shirts workshop using nasrid tiles for the design, a guided visit to our city, a day trip to Granada to see the nasrid tessellations in their real enviroment, a workshop about arches , a mathematical walk using mathcitymaps.a tresure huntingin Hellín and a visit to Toledo to see arches in real contexts.

Students from both countries have had the opportunity of speak in English in a real situation, to start a friendly relationship, to open their minds about Europe and international collaboration. it has been a great experience!

Cross curricular work about BMI and healthy eating habits

 4th ESO students have been working about BMI and healthy habits as a crosscurricular activity, firstly they worked with their PE teacher Elena and made beautiful posters and finally they did the same with their maths teacher, sharing data in a spreadsheet, analizing an article from "el País"(in English), calculating their BMI and knowing that the WHO not only considers the BMI as a parameter for obesity but also the age.

Using these graphs;

They obtained the following results;

Monday 28 February 2022

World Obesity Day

Next March 4th will be World Obesity Day, and we will come together to call for change. Obesity is one of the biggest public health challenges facing the world today, affecting 800 million people with millions more at risk. It is a life-altering disease that increases the likelihood of comorbidities and doubles the risk of Covid-19 hospitalisation, yet people living with obesity lack support and face stigma at work, home and in the health system. To make change a reality, we need action: "Evebody needs act" Here we have some works from our bilingual students:

Thursday 17 February 2022

International day of women and girls in science

 In order to achieve full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls, and further achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls, the United Nations General Assembly declared 11 February as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science in 2015.

As a consequence we celebrated this day at high school. 4th ESO students were investigating about famous female mathematicians and designed a poster using canva.

You can see below some of them